Hotel Show Colombo 2018 will be held from July 21 to 23 at the BMICH. “The hospitality business is about taking care of people; both our guests and our workforce”, said Chairman of the Organizing Committee Trevine Gomez. “We could not do what we do without a strong, talented workforce. Our industry exemplifies the hoteliers dream of fostering development, upward mobility, and exciting lifelong careers.”
“Hotel Show’s 13th edition builds on a legacy of resources and training the hotel industry provides to our employees, and we are excited to provide openings for employees in the hotel industry and helping employers to attract and retain talent in the process. This is a win-win for all concerned.”
Chairman Sri Lanka Tourism Development Authority Kavan Rathnayake stated, “We are honored to be a part of the Hotel Show, and we are committed to supporting the organizers of this event who share our passion and enthusiasm for this specialized industry.
Sri Lanka’s tourism and hospitality industry relies heavily on the consistent delivery of a quality product. We need a highly skilled workforce to achieve this and the additional flexibility to recruit suitably qualified personnel relies heavily on young school leavers taking up this challenging career to become the future leaders in the industry.”