Wednesday, October 18, 2017

SLCBCC announces Business Star Awards

Ranjith Laksiri, Co-Project Chairman, BSA 2017, Mu Nan, General Secretary of Chinese Chamber of Commerce (CCC) in SL, Thilak Godamanna, President of Sri Lanka China Business Corporation Council (SLCBCC), Yang Zuo Yuan, Commercial Counselor of the Chinese Embassy for Sri Lanka and Indika Salgado, Co-Project Chairman, BSA 2017, at the unveiling of Business Star Pinnacle Awards

Introduced as an annual event in 2011, the Sri Lanka China Business Cooperation Council (SLCBCC) announced the launch of SLCBCC BUSINESS STAR AWARDS 2017, which will be the seventh in the series.

The Awards presentation will take place on December 4, 2017 at the Grand Ballroom, Galadari Hotel, Colombo, in the presence of distinguished guests.

SLCBCC established in May 1994 has conducted several productive events throughout its 23 years of existence towards promoting and strengthening the bilateral business partnerships between Sri Lanka and China.

Events of national importance to both countries such as the commemoration of the Golden Jubilee of the Sri Lanka – China Rubber – Rice Pact in 2002 and the Golden Jubilee of the of the establishment of Sri Lanka – China Diplomatic Relations in 2007 were two significant events organized and conducted by the Council.

With the primary objective of promoting and strengthening the bilateral Trade and Investments between Sri Lanka and China, SLCBCC is continuously engages itself in several other useful and regular activities such as, organizing Business delegations to and from China, facilitating visiting Trade Fairs and Exhibitions in China, promoting and facilitating Chinese Trade Exhibitions in Sri Lanka and conducting business development Seminars and Workshops.

The SLCBCC Business Star Awards is yet another progressive step taken to motivate entrepreneurs doing business with China and to recognize their significant achievements.

The SLCBCC BUSINESS STAR AWARDS 2017 kicked-off at a launch ceremony held at Galadari on October 13, 2017 which announced the event to its stakeholders.

The application closing date is 15th Nov '17 for which applications could be obtained from SLCBCC OR from its website www.

Any Sri Lankan Company, carrying on business with China or a Chinese Company registered and based in Sri Lanka is eligible to enter the competition.

The evaluation of Sri Lankan Companies and Chinese Companies will be done separately under two different sections.

The criteria for evaluation is based on business and financial performance, excellence in product and process innovation, reach in the global market, knowledge integration, technological investment, capital investment towards future growth, implementation of best management practices, successful corporate governance and implementation of Corporate Social Responsibility.

Gold, Silver and Bronze Star awards will be presented to the winners of each group and the overall winner will be awarded the Pinnacle Star.

A Souvenir to mark the event will be issued at the Awards presentation ceremony, which will include a brief history of the Council, it’s achievements during the past 23 years along with the Council’s membership directory.


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