Food and Nature (Pvt) Ltd, the pioneers of the Sri Lankan Herbal Tea industry in Sri Lanka has been conducted its Fadna Arunella Health Camp at the St. Joseph's Church Jubilee Hall, Uyana Road, Moratuwa in collaboration with the Lions Club of Moratuwa and Legion of Mary - Uyana Presidium recently. The 'Fadna Arunella' campaign in Moratuwa, was the 26th of island-wide health clinics sponsored by Food and Nature (Pvt) Ltd which are aimed at raising awareness about danger of diabetes and ways of preventing the disease.
Hundreds of participants were offered free blood check-ups as well as eye check-ups during the event while personal medical consultations were also provided for further to discuss health issues of concerned individuals.
Participants were also advised on taking precautions in order to prevent from diabetes and other non-contagious diseases. The company is in the process of conducting this valued programme in many areas of the country and the next 'Fadna Arunella' health clinic could be organized at your village, city or institution.