Thursday, October 19, 2017

Italy’s Fantuzzi Group contemplates transformation of heavy machinery technology to Lanka

State Minister for Investment promotion, Sujeewa Senasinghe in Milan yesterday.

 Fantuzzi Group Italy considering the transformation of heavy machinery technology to Sri Lanka on joint venture basis.

This was disclosed when Italian industrial pioneer, Luciano Fantuzzi, President of Fantuzzi Group and his consultant Michael Drewitt met the State Minister for Investment promotion, Sujeewa Senasinghe in Milan yesterday.

The Minister was on a promotional visit on enhancing Sri Lanka’s exports to the EU under GSP+ concessions and the investment potentials at large. State Minister met the Chamber heads in Milan including the President of Small Industry Chamber, Daniela Cavagna.

The Minister explained the vast opportunities available for their members particularly on transferring technology to Sri Lanka through exchanging industry and exporters’ delegations in future. It was agreed to exchange tailor made sector information of Sri Lanka prior to such visits.

Minister also met with Dr. Fabrizio Sala, the Vice President of Regione Lombardia, a regional trade chamber had a lengthy discussion on plethora of potentials of Sri Lanka in both trade and investments and the services sectors including air travel.

On the same day the Minister visited and met Dr. Pietro Sala, Vice President of Assolombarda Confindustria Milano and Dr. Federico Bega, Head of Strategic Areas of the Milan Chamber of Commerce and Industries and the Promose of Milan.

The minister shared details on the industrial parks that are being initiated in Sri Lanka aiming country specific industries like from Japan and other Asian investors to Sri Lanka and invited Italian technology in the areas of electrical and electronic sectors and boat building industry.

He also explained the huge opportunities created to Italian and European importers under GSP pulse concessions mainly in apparel, and fisheries imports.

Booming industry of tourism in Sri Lanka and related investment opportunities also discussed aiming regular and long term promotional programmes in this Italian market. 


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