Monday, April 29, 2019

Mattala Hambantota Highway completed by December

Under the Southern Expressway Extension Project, the route from Mattala to Matara would be ready by December this year, according to Project Director K.W. Kandambi.

He said that Rs.103.3 billion would be spent for the first stage of the project and 55.2 Billion would be spent for the second and third stages.

He said that the fourth and final stage of the project was estimated to cost Rs.52.2 Billion. The project is being funded by the China Exim Bank, he said.

He said that the Southern Highway would be divided two ways from Andarawewa in Hambantota, one would be directed to Mattala, and the other will run to Hambantota, adding that the distance from Andarawewa to Mattala is six kilometers and Andarawewa to Hambantota 14 kilometers.
