Sunday, April 21, 2019

British Way English Academy excells in NBE Awards

The British Way English Academy has proved its excellence once again by receiving a much coveted award in educational services sector at the National Business Excellence Awards – 2018.

The award ceremony organized by the National Chamber of Commerce Sri Lanka was held recently at the Colombo Hilton Hotel. In its 15 year long journey to success, the British Way English Academy has been honored with many accolades including Best English Academy of the world – 2016 in the 7th World Scientific Congress held at UNO Head Quarters, Geneva, Switzerland, ISO 9001 – 2008 certification in 2016, and Best English Academy award by MASSCO in 2016, 2017 and 2018 and SLIM Brand Excellence award – 2017.

The British Way English Academy, believes that every student has unlimited potential for growth and personal development. This ability is fully respected and utilized by a highly qualified team who has mastered the art of language teaching. Language is taught in a unique way in own assessment-driven immersion program where valuable life skills are instilled to the student.

This innovative teaching method has been extremely popular and proven to take the learning process to greater proportions, preparing the students to face the world with confidence. Students at the British Way English Academy are trained in how to face interviews, table etiquette, leadership, public speech etc. – all coming in a bundle, ensuring success to realize their dreams. As a consequence, the British Way English Academy’s educational programs have gained widespread respect and validity and there is a high value attached to its certificates from the corporate world.

Providing an opportunity to learn English for life time The academy offers an excellent range of courses to suit your needs in the global context with 16 branches Island wide producing and graduating over 21,000 students annually under the expert guidance of our dynamic, well-educated team of lecturers since 2004. 
