Monday, August 9, 2021

Indian CEO Forum meets Milinda Moragoda,

Designate High Commissioner of Sri Lanka to India Milinda Moragoda being welcomed by ICF President Umesh Gautam. Also present are Prakash, Manoj Gupta, Mayank Arora, and Kishore Reddy.

Designate High Commissioner of Sri Lanka to India, Milinda Moragoda met with The Indian CEO Forum (ICF) on August 3 for an initial discussion on India-Sri Lanka ties.

The ICF is the preeminent body for Indian investment in Sri Lanka, representing some of the country’s oldest and largest Foreign Direct Investments and Indian professionals heading large companies marking a significant contribution to the local economy.

The ICF specifically commended the High Commissioner on Mission Goal 2 in the strategy which focused on Bolstering foreign investments as well as earnings from exports and to achieve significant export growth and increase foreign exchange earnings, with the ultimate objective of increasing productivity, employment generation and international competitiveness to uplift the living standards of the people in Sri Lanka, to achieve the macro-economic targets set out for the period 2020- 2025, in the Government Policy framework document, “Vistas of Prosperity and Splendour”.

The ICF stands as a key partner to support in achieving specific mission objectives set out in Mission Goal 2 to Increase Indian investments in Sri Lanka, facilitate ongoing large-scale economic development and investment-driven projects and Increase exports from Sri Lanka and expand Sri Lanka’s market share in India. India is among the top five overall investors in Sri Lanka and stands as an important trading partner to the country.

Accordingly, The ICF appreciated the opportunity provided to engage in fruitful discussion with Indian business partners, with a focus on strengthening business ties and exploring opportunities for collaboration, at a time when economic recovery has become a key priority for Sri Lanka following the detrimental effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.

President ICF, Umesh Gautam, said that several members of ICF have been in Sri Lanka for decades and are running successful businesses here, and they can act as beacons to attract more prospective investors to this country. The ICF stands as a key partner to support in bolstering Sri Lankan Interests and in facilitating foreign investments into Sri Lanka.

Moragoda also engaged with members of the Forum through a video link specially set up for this occasion. He presented his thoughts and answered questions on how to remove roadblocks and create an environment of an investor-friendly approach.

V.K. Vethody, Designate Consul General of Sri Lankan Mission at Mumbai, Ambassador Bernard Goonetilleke – a former diplomat and Chairman Pathfinder Foundation and K. Balasundaram – Director/CEO MMBL-Pathfinder were, also present.


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