The number of unemployed persons is estimated as 381,834 during the second quarter 2018, according to the Department of Census and Statics latest survey. The unemployment rate for the second quarter 2018 is 4.6%.
It is estimated that the economically active population is about 8.3 million in the second quarter 2018 of which 65.9% are males and 34.1% are females. The economically inactive population is about 8.0 million. Out of the economically inactive population 26.1% are males and 73.9% are females.
Majority of the workforce are private sector employees followed by own account workers. Highest employment share is in service sector and this is true for both male and female, while the lowest shares are for agriculture sector. Among employed females 26.7% is in agriculture sector while this share is 22.9% for males.
The survey results further reveals that the unemployment among females is higher than that of males, in all age groups. Youth and female unemployment contribute more to the overall unemployment of the country.