Sunday, December 9, 2018

Pussalla Meat Producers win NBEA Gold in Fisheries, Livestock sectors

Chairman, Philip J.Wewita , Managing Director Dilshan Wewita and the top management team of Pussalla Meat Producers after receiving the Business Excellence award from Chief Guest, Deputy Ambassador, Delegation of the European Union to Sri Lanka and the Maldives Guest Thorsten Bargfrede. Picture by Saliya Rupasinghe

Pussalla Meat Producers (Pvt) Ltd emerged winner in the Fisheries and Livestock sector at the 15th consecutive National Business excellence awards (NBEA) 2018, hosted by the National Chamber of Commerce Sri Lanka last week. This is the third consecutive year that Pussalla Meat Producers won the Gold award in this sector.

The National Business excellence awards were launched in 2004, with the key objective of recognizing and rewarding organizations that have excellence in all round performance. The contenders were evaluated on a well-structured model of seven point criteria; Excellence in Business and Financial Results, Capacity Building, Performance Management, Local and Global Market Reach, Leadership, Corporate Governance, Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Sustainability.

Pussalla Founder/Chairman Philip J. Wewita said that they were honored to emerge as a gold winner at this prestigious event from among Sri Lanka’s most excellently managed organizations.

“We believe this is an award that recognizes the outstanding business performance in our company touching the triple bottom lines. Due to our sustainable business strategy we were able to streamline the local livestock industry in Sri Lanka”.

“We are the only local Livestock sector company having a total vertical integration in poultry industry with our own grandparent farm, breeder farms, hatcheries, broiler farms, processing facility, animal feed mill and sales outlets. We have already planned further improvements in our business process by introducing new technology, increasing capacity and increasing our marketing.”



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