Wednesday, December 5, 2018

CFA Society Sri Lanka partner with CBSL to improve Financial Literacy

Dr. Indrajit Coomaraswamy

CFA Society Sri Lanka, the local society of the CFA Institute collaborated with Central Bank of Sri Lanka (CBSL) to support theCBSL’sNational Financial Inclusion Strategy (NFIS) by handing over two booklets on financial literacy and entrepreneurship to the Governor of Central Bank, Dr. Indrajit Coomaraswamy, at a book launch ceremony at the Institute of Policy Studies on yesterday.

“Sri Lanka has a higher print literacy rate compared to its South Asian peers, however, Sri Lanka has the highest gap between print literacy and financial literacy in the region and only 7 percent of the labour force are entrepreneurs compared global standard of around 30%. This indicates that there is more scope to promote financial literacy among Sri Lankans.”

“The Central Bank has been conducting public awareness and capacity building programmes in Sinhala and Tamil languages covering financial literacy and entrepreneurship development Programmers Island wide over several years. While considerable advances have been made, there were several bottlenecks in achieving greater financial literacy. CFA Sri Lanka efforts to improve financial literacy by partnering to write two country specific booklets in English and carrying out a print and social media campaign persuading the public to read the digital booklets published by CFA Sri Lanka and Central Bank of Sri Lanka is encouraging,” said, Governor, CBSL.

Ravi Abeysuriya, CFA,Advocacy Chair of CFA Sri Lanka who authored the book “Financial Literacy to Achieve Your Financial Wellbeing” said, “the book is for the general public to better understand personal finances to take control of their financial future”. It details such topics as How to Achieve Financial Independence and Wealth, Personal Financial Planning, Borrow Smart, How Money Works, Wealth Management, Be Prepared for the Unexpected and Planning for Your Retirement.

Sidath Kalyanaratne, CFA and Advocacy Co-Chair of CFA Sri Lanka who authored the book “Entrepreneurship: The journey of an entrepreneur” said, “the book is for would be entrepreneurs in Sri Lanka to increase the success rate of their entrepreneurial ventures”. 


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