Sunday, September 16, 2018

Marina in Marawila to commence this year

Dietmar Doering, Consultant of the company, Tissa Jayaweera in Colombo

A consortium of Chinese, German and Sri Lankan investors would start building Sri Lanka’s first Marina in Marawila by the end of the year.

According to The Asian German Sports Exchange Programme (A.G.S.E.P.) founder and Chief Executive Officer of A.G.S.E.P. Dietmar Doering it would be a mixed development project including a 200 room hotel, two condominium towers of 23 floors each providing 308 apartments and the marina.

The total investment for the project would be in the excess of US$ 150 million. Two German investors, China Overseas Economy Cooperation General Company and AGSEP are the main investors for this mixed development project. The KPMG has conducted the feasibility study for the project which is now forwarded for approvals.

He said that their research in Sri Lanka has found out that one of the international marina is a great vacuum for the country and this why they came up to fill this void. “Though Sri Lanka is a much sought after by tourists and despite having 1,300 Km of coastal line it does not have a single marina. In contrast Croatia which has 650 KM of coastal line has 60 marinas.

“For the first time in Sri Lanka we also hope to commence special round cruise tours around Sri Lanka linking all major harbours where passengers could embark and disembark.”

“In addition we will also call for ship repairing companies and also offer Dry dock facilities under this project. Attracting permanent foreign residence to occupy our apartments too is another project under this development.”

Consultant of the project, Tissa Jayaweera said that under the Prot City Development project in Colombo, a marina is proposed but it would be ready in 2021. “Our plan is to have the Marina Bay Marawila by end 2020.”

The proposed Marina would have facilities to dock 100 yachts and also two cruise boats up to 80 passengers. “With the two apartments and the hotel, we expect many other related businesses also coming up and it will help to generate an annual gross income of in the excess of US$ 400 mn and provide over 500 direct employment.”

The propose marina



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