Sunday, August 19, 2018

EDB to Develop 2000 Exporters

The Government’s National Program for the Establishment of 2000 new Exporters during the 2017-2020 period was launched on March 23, 2017 for Northern Province Entrepreneurs in Jaffna and the second phase of the seminar was held in Kandy for the Central Province Entrepreneurs.

The third phase was held for the Southern Province entrepreneurs in Matara.

Minister Malik Samarawickrema, Minister S.B Navinna, State Minister Sujeewa Senasinghe, Governor of the North Western Province, K.C. Logeswaran, Deputy Minister of Transport and Civil Aviation, Ashok Abeysinghe, J. C. Alawathuwala, State Minister of Home Affairs, Export Development Board and other government officials at the  event

Sri Lanka Export Development Board (SLEDB) organized a one day seminar to educate the entrepreneurs of the North Western Province on the national program of developing the 2000 new Exporters for the North Western Province entrepreneurs on August 17, 2018 at Hotel Blue Sky, Kurunegala.

The program includes an awareness program for entrepreneurs, a technological display for the export industry and a round table discussion with top business leader to promote, attract them to the export sector.

The mini exhibition on technology was with the participation of the stakeholder organizations relevant for the export sector representing Industrial Development Board (IDB), Industrial Technology Institute (ITI), National Aquaculture Development Authority (NAQDA), Sri Lanka Standards Institution (SLSI), National Engineering Research and Development Centre (NERD), Post-Harvest Technology Institute (PHTI), Department of Export Agriculture (DEA), Coconut Development Authority (CDA), Sri Lanka Institutes of Nanotechnology (SLINTEC), Bureau Veritas Consumer Products Services Lanka (Pvt) Ltd and Tulip Technologies (Pvt) Ltd. The seminar was focus on introducing export business opportunities for development of products suitable for the province including spice products, ornamental articles, gems and jewelery, processed foods, ayurvedic products, coir products, fishery products, IT and communication services, with a view to increase export supplies from the province of those potential products.

Minister of Development Strategies and International Trade, Malik Samarawickrema, Minister of Internal Affairs and Wayamba Development, S.B Navinna, State Minister of International Trade, Sujeewa Senasinghe, Governor of the North Western Province, K.C. Logeswaran, Deputy Minister of Transport and Civil Aviation, Ashok Abeysinghe, J. C. Alawathuwala, State Minister of Home Affairs, Export Development Board and other government officials and private sector graced this occasion.

Parallel to this program, implementing a 2018 National budget proposal, 10 qualified exporters were offered financial support under Market Access Support Program implemented by the EDB with the guidance of Ministry of Development Strategies and International Trade.



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