Digitalization has played a vital role in changing the HR perspective of the country and due to the impact of digitalization and technology has replaced with certain jobs that were handled by humans before, said CEO – IPM, P. G. Tennakoon,
“Also, with the improved educational level of the younger generations especially of the ‘Millennials’ and the generation ‘Z’, scarcity of labour to function certain blue collar jobs can be seen and it has improved to a level that we have to import labour from other countries.”
“Further, with the popularity of flexi working arrangements such as telecommuting and free-lance work and consulting work, attracting skilled labour for organizations has become challenging,” added Tennakoon.
Commenting on the importance of teamwork in an HR operation and that of a company he said that an “organization” is defined as a collection of two or more people working for a common objective.
“In this context, from the definition itself it is implied that leaders in organizations need to drive their teams for a common objective.Therefore, the role of teamwork is an inherent requirement for any organization to achieve results. From the HR operations perspective, the synergetic advantages that we can gain through teamwork can play wonders in achieving results.”
“The uniqueness that we can see in human beings are the skill differences that we can see in each individual eg. some individuals have born with more Creative skills while the analytical skills for certain others. Therefore, the alignment of different skills is vital for organizations to achieve different set of goals and this alignment can be made through team work.”
Content theories of motivation explain the specific factors that motivate behaviour of human being. In this context reward and recognition are two key motivators which has a direct correlation with individual productivity. Through the reward and recognition employees can be stimulated to achieve better results.
“Incentive schemes and various recognition schemes can be designed as stimuli to increase productivity of individuals. When there’s some stimuli, employees will naturally tend to adjust their behaviour to acquire the intended benefit which will then be indirectly benefitting in achieving required productivity levels.”
HR best Practices
Asked to comment on the improvements in HR best Practices he said that due to the dynamic global trends that is emergingmainly due to thechanges in the macro economic factors, the importance and the value of human being have been identified as a critical factor of production. “In a such a context today organizations have taken measures to improve the HR practices within the organizations in order to ensure the retention of skilled labour force. In this endeavour, the organizations practice to benchmark the organizations with other comparable organizations to understand the standards of internal HR practices. Therefore, undoubtedly we can admit that there an improvement in HR best practices today in any organization.”
Performance based promotions have been identified as one of the HR best practices in the corporate world. In today’s context where we have given a prominent place for good governance, granting promotions using personal influences and other unethical ways are considered as a bad HR practices and organizations are trying to become more transparent in awarding promotions.
“From the employees’ perspective as well, maintaining a transparent promotion scheme has become one of the expectations and it will lead to improve level of motivation and productivity of employees.”
Advice to youth pursuing a career in HR
“My advice for budding HR professionals is to have a greater passion and be excel in whatever you do and contribute something to the society through effective contribution of your knowledge, skills and attitude while maintaining your personal values and professional ethics.”
Also be a multi skill person to accept any responsibilities and challenges go up in the ladder for career aspiration and successful person. IPM was founded in 1959 with the objective of the general advancement of the principles, practice and techniques of personnel management and for the purpose of effectively carrying out and transacting all matters connected with the said Institute according to the by-laws agreed by its members. IPM is affiliated to the Asia Pacific Foundation of Human Resources Management (APFHRM) and also to the World Federation of People Management Association (WFPMA).
The types of courses are available at IPM for students in HR management (diploma to degree) are,
n Foundation Course in Human Resource Management (FCHRM)
n Certificate Course in Human Resource Management (CCHRM)
n Diploma in Human Resource Management (DHRM)
n Professional Qualification in Human Resource Management (PQHRM)
n BSc (Hons) HR Management jointly with Salford University, UK
n MSc in Human Resource Management& Development Jointly with Salford University.
n National Diploma in Training & Human Resource Development (NDTHRD)
n Executive Certificate in Occupational Safety & Health (ECOSH)
“Our study programme is available from school leavers up to different professionals who wanted to get the HRM knowledge,” Tennakoon said.