The Ceylon Motor Traders Association (CMTA) in a communique sates that it was not in favour of creating competition in vehicle procurement.
The statement said the association has noticed numerous press articles lobbying for Government tenders to be opened to importers of used cars or non brand new vehicle importers.
Government tenders are effectively sales agreements between the manufactures of motor vehicles and the Government of Sri Lanka. The local agent is often not a party to this contract. The manufacture, nominates their local agent to act on their behalf and carry out pre delivery inspections and give warranty support etc. This procurement process is internationally accepted.
By the Government dealing with the manufacture, they are assured of not only the best price, but the most suitable vehicle for the conditions of the country of operation. Further, the vehicles are supported by manufacturers’ warranty.
The CMTA expressed confidence that the Government of Sri Lanka will continue to adopt internationally accepted practices and not deviate from their present procurement procedures for motor vehicles.
CMTA was established in 1920, affiliated to the Ceylon Chamber of Commerce and represents the agents of all major automotive manufactures in the world.