Sunday, April 8, 2018

IPM SL Secretary Ken Vijayakumar addresses first Maldives HR Conference

Ken Vijayakumar addressing the conference

Maldives HR, the premier body for human resources in the Republic of Maldives invited Secretary, IPM Sri Lanka, Ken Vijayakumar to address the 1st Maldives HR Summit & Expo held in Dharubaaruge in Male, Maldives recently.

This invitation further acknowledges the high esteem and standing that IPM Sri Lanka, the Nation’s leader in human resource management, enjoys as a regional force and key partner in the field of human resources.

“We are delighted that Secretary of IPM Sri Lanka Executive Council, Ken Vijayakumar has been invited to address the inaugural Maldives HR Summit & Expo. This invitation further strengthens and reaffirms IPM Sri Lanka’s standing as a respected professional body in the field of HR in the region. Ken is an experienced and knowledgeable HR professional who is ideally suited to address a conference such as the Maldives HR Summit & Expo”, said Prof. Ajantha Dharmasiri, President IPM Sri Lanka.

The 1st Maldives HR Summit & Expo attracted over 300 persons. Most of the participants being heads of HR in Maldivian companies as well as in multinational blue chips operating in Maldives.

“High calibre HR professionals are required to support a growing economy like that of the Maldives. The 1st HR Summit & Expo organized by Maldives HR is a commendable and timely event which will help create and foster a growing pool of talented human resource professionals. I would like to thank the organizing committee of Maldives HR for inviting me for their inaugural HR Conference”, said Ken Vijayakumar.

“IPM Sri Lanka and our fraternity of experienced HR professionals are always available to add value to the HR landscape in Maldives in the form of mutual bilateral exchanges and other methods that need to be discussed and finalized in the near future” he added.

Vijayakumar’s address at the conference was titled “Future of Work - HR 2020: What the Future Holds for HR” and touched upon the multiple trends of Globalization, Technology, Consumerization and Generational Differences, and how these trends affect the traditional HR beliefs, values and the way people work. He also moderated the panel discussion on “Employees referral system and its pros and cons” in which he was able to draw out and touch upon important areas for discussion among the panelists.
