Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Fitch rates People’s Leasing’s Senior Debt ‘AA-(lka)(EXP)’

Fitch Ratings Lanka has assigned People’s Leasing & Finance PLC’s (PLC, B/AA-(lka)/Stable) proposed senior debenture issue of up to Rs 6 billion an expected National Long-Term Rating of ‘AA-(lka)(EXP)’.

The debentures, which will have tenors of four and five years and carry fixed coupons, will be listed on the Colombo Stock Exchange. PLC expects to use the proceeds for working capital purposes and to retire some existing debentures.

The final rating is subject to the receipt of final documentation conforming to information already received. The proposed debentures are rated in line with PLC’s National Long-Term Rating as Fitch expects the issue to rank equally with claims of the company’s other senior unsecured creditors.

PLC’s Issuer Default Rating and National Long-Term Rating reflect Fitch’s view that PLC’s parent, the state-owned and systemically important People’s Bank (Sri Lanka) (PB, AA+(lka)/Stable) would provide PLC with extraordinary support, if required. People’s Bank ‘s propensity to support PLC stems from its group role as a strategically important subsidiary and the high reputational risk to PB should PLC default, as People’s Bank owns 75% of PLC and shares a common brand. People’s Bank ‘s ability to provide support to PLC is limited, and stems from Sri Lanka’s rating of ‘B+’/Stable 
