Pathfinder Foundation's Centre for Indo-Lanka Initiatives (CILI) has moved to MMBL Pathfinder head office premises ''River Point", located at Peliyagoda Admiral Dr. Jayanath Colombage Director CILI ceremonially declared open the center. Milinda Moragoda, founder of the Pathfinder Foundation was present on this occasion.
Despite historical, cultural and religious relations that shaped the history of the island and relations with India for over two millennia, lack of understanding on modern day dynamics that play a crucial role in shaping relations between the two countries has been a shortcoming that has not been adequately addressed. With the establishment of CILI, PF believes that this center could go a long way in addressing this shortcoming. In order to achieve this objective, CILI expects to have Indian experts and scholars working on side by side with Sri Lankan experts focusing on political, economic, strategic, cultural, religious and people to people relations between the two countries and make policy recommendations to both governments.
Bernard Goonetilleke, Chairman, PF, Lalith Weerathunge, Senior Fellow PF, Luxman Siriwardena Executive Director PF, Nandana Devge, Director MMBL Pathfinder and K. D. Liyanage, Director Legal, MMBL participated at the event.