Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Two students at G.C.E A/Level Chemistry choose Institute of Chemistry Ceylon to pursue Graduateship Course in Chemistry

Two outstanding students in Chemistry, as evidenced by their near perfect scores for the GCE Advanced Level Examination 2016, have enrolled at the College of Chemical Sciences (CCS), Educational arm of the Institute of Chemistry Ceylon for the 2018 academic year. Although they will be selected to pursue degrees in Medicine and Engineering, respectively, R.G.N. Punsara, Rahula College, Matara and U.G.C. Jayasankha, Richmond College, Galle (ranked first and second all island in Chemistry), are strong in their desire to continue studying the marvels of Chemistry which is a central science and have chosen the institute as the place where they want to make it happen.

Indeed, the Institute of Chemistry has a history of producing the best students in Chemistry and boasts of an extremely versatile and eminent academic panel to help mould young and inquisitive minds to develop into knowledgeable, independent and dedicated researchers. After completing the Graduateship programme, students move on to many rewarding careers and many move on to follow doctoral programmes to quench their thirst for knowledge and further enhance their research capabilities.


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