Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Phoenix Ogilvy Group walks away with 10 metals at 2016 Effie Awards

Top: Ogilvy Group Chairman, Irvin Weerackody. Bottom: Phoenix Ogilvy team on stage receiving the Gold Effie for the Clogard ‘Say it Fresh’ campaign

The Phoenix Ogilvy Group ended the 2016 Effie Awards Sri Lanka with an overall group tally of 10 metals including four gold, two bronze and four finalist awards.

Topping the list, was the Clogard ‘Say it Fresh’ campaign for Hemas Manufacturing (Pvt) Ltd. which won Phoenix Ogilvy, Ogilvy Media and Neo@Ogilvy, each a Gold Effie. The campaign was a fully integrated effort by the three agencies which resulted in the new ‘gel toothpaste’ product range of the local conglomerate surpassing the market leading competitor product.

“At Ogilvy Sri Lanka, we place equal importance on the creativity of the idea, as well as its effectiveness in execution, both focussed on efficiently solving a client’s problem. The range of this year’s wins is proof of how this philosophy is applied across all disciplines within our group of companies. It is obvious that we should be dedicated to effectiveness. What other goal could we have than serving the business interests of our clients?” said Irvin Weerackody, Chairman of Ogilvy Group of Companies in Sri Lanka. Ogilvy Media also walked away with a Gold Effie for their work on the Watawala Tea “Ran Kahata” relaunch campaign, as well as a bronze metal for the ‘Smart Cream Cracker’ relaunch campaign for Maliban Biscuits. The group’s second Bronze Effie was awarded to Geometry Global for their campaign titled ‘Tuition Master’ for Unilever’s Rexona.

The Effie Awards are globally renowned as a hallmark of recognition for ‘work that works’, with the local awards organised by the Sri Lanka Institute of Marketing (SLIM) to promote effective and creative marketing communication practices in Sri Lanka. 



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