Sunday, October 8, 2017

BOC brings sunshine to Apeksha Hospital on World’s Children’s Day

BOC’s Deputy General Manager - Sales and Channel Management, Senerath Bandara looking at the paintings drawn by children of the Apeksha Hospital. The Director Dr. Wilfred Kumarasinghe and Bank’s other officials and Apeksha Hospital’s Pediatric Consultant Dr. Deepal Perera were present at the occasion.

As a responsible bank that has a greater social responsibility, the Bank of Ceylon (BOC) taken upon itself to care for a special group of children those who do not have the opportunity of a normal joyful childhood on this children's day in a more meaningful and a thoughtful way through “Apeksha Dalwana Sithuwam Dakma”, art exhibition.

“The idea was generated as the bank organized the “little Picasso” Art Competition for the children in the whole country in commemorating the Bank’s 78th anniversary. It was observed that there are children who do not have the privilege of enjoying even the simplest things in life as a child simply because of a life-threatening illness such as cancer.”

“Understanding the need to bring some ray of hope and joy of living to these little hearts and encouraging them to look at the brighter side of life the Bank decided to organize an Art Exhibition giving them every possible comfort to engage in this enjoyable task.” stated the Deputy General Manager Sales and Channel Management Senarath Bandara.

The bank firstly brought them a stationary pack containing drawing papers, colour boxes and other equipment needed to draw a picture which was later collected and prepared to be exhibited at the Apeksha Hospital Children’s Ward, play area. The exhibition and the children’s day celebration took place on October 1, in line with the world children’s day, for all the children who will be present at the Apeksha Hospital to enjoy.

Several entertainment programs took place for children to have fun, whilst proudly enjoying their own paintings that were on display at the exhibition. Further the Bank handed a toy to every child who is being treated at the hospital. Since October 1 was a significant day for children and elders alike, the Bank of Ceylon together with the Apeksha Hospital arranged a lunch for all patients in the hospital on this day.

Apart from events such as these, the Bank has constructed and maintains three floors of the children’s ward and additionally conducts these kinds of activities from time to time.

Children’s Day celebrations did not simply stop at the “Apeksha Hospital- CSR Activity” on this day. The Bank joined with the Sri Lanka Rupavahini Corporation with their celebrations as one of the sponsors to the event that took place at the Independence square. 


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