Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Mattala Airport to recommence commercial operations soon - PM

SAARC CCI President Suraj Vaidya presents a memento to Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe at the inauguration of the SAARC Investment Forum, at the Hilton Colombo, yesterday. Picture by Saman Sri Wedage. See also page viii

The Mattala Intentional Airport would once again start active commercial operations from the end of the year, said Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe.

Speaking at the SAARC Investment Summit at Colombo Hilton he said that similarly there would be a hive of activity at the Hambantota Port including cement plants, refineries and also a LMG plant coming up after its lease to the Chinese company.

The Prime Minister also said that there would be several development projects that are currently launched targeting all the regions helping to usher economic prosperity and breach the regional disparity.

He also said that the government would be investing in key infrastructure projects such as the light rail system four LMG plants, Colombo Kandy Expressway, extension of the Southern Expressway and the outer circular highway which would benefit investors.

Wickremeshinge said that a recent PricewaterhouseCoopers Ltd survey has indicate that India, Bangladesh and Pakistan would be among the top 32 nations in the world and being neighbours and having close political and economic relations with them would benefit the island.

He also said the SAARC region could progress even faster if not for the political differences that they have. In Sri Lanka two main political parties for the first time in the Asian political history have got together from last September and were working in one direction rather than fighting and brining down each other.

Sri Lanka with its geographical advantage is aiming to be a major hub and reap benefits from these developments. “We will improve the Doing Business Index and connectivity and improvements to Mattala Airport and the developments in Hambantota, Trincomalee (with the assistance of Singaporeans) and Colombo harbour too would play an important role towards taking Sri Lanka towards this goal.

In a bid to add additional connectivity, Sri Lanka is also offering free wifi hot spots and have introduced several new meaningful steps. “We also need a positive thinking mind set for the people,” he added.

The SAARC Investment Forum 2017 geared to pave way for greater trade and investment cooperation between its member states of Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka, was inaugurated in Colombo yesterday, at the Hilton Colombo. It will go on till September 9.

This event was organised by the Federation of Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Sri Lanka (FCCISL) and the SAARC Chamber of Commerce and Industry and MP Events Lanka (Private) Limited.

SAARC Investment Forum also provides a platform for influential local and foreign investors to engage in cross-border investments.

Over the three days, the Investor Forum will welcome over 250 investors and influential figures such as local and foreign investors and entrepreneurs, fund managers, chairpersons and CEOs, owners of enterprises, representatives of global trade associations, and international development agencies and officers of government investment authorities. The SAARC Trade Fair will be held till September 9 at the Sri Lanka Exhibition and Convention Center, Colombo.


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