Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Litro Gas clinches high honours at ZeroOne Awards

Nilmini Ferdinando, Marketing Communications Manager and Sanjeewa Warusawitharana, Manager - Digital Media and Business Development at Litro Gas Lanka Limited receiving the award for the Overall Winner for the Best Digital Integrated Campaign

Litro Gas Lanka Limited (LGLL), the largest importer and supplier of LP Gas in Sri Lanka won high honours at the ZeroOne Awards organized by Sri Lanka Telecom.

Clinching the Best Digital Integrated Campaign award under the Manufacturing, Transportation, Storage and Energy Sector and the award for the Overall Winner for the Best Digital Integrated Campaign for the immensely successful digital campaign ‘Garu Ammaawarune’.

The campaign far exceeded its goals to reach out to at least 50% of the total Facebook audience and had a viral effect by reaching out to over 193,000 Facebook users across 131 countries.

Held for the first time, ZeroOne Awards recognize institutions, individuals and brands for the impactful and far reaching use of digital technologies.

“The two awards bear witness to our digital capability, know-how as well as our ability to reach out to people through appealing to their emotions. The success of ‘Garu Ammaawarune’ can be attributed to the genuine and timely aspects of the campaign where we depicted the true-to-life perception and manifestation of typical Sri Lankan mothers and their daily challenges as well as sacrifices,” commented Chaminda Ediriwickrama, Director- Sales and Marketing/Corporate Affairs - Litro Gas Lanka Limited.

“It was our ability to capture the salient features of an impactful digital campaign that won us such high honours at the prestigious ZeroOne Awards. Going beyond the numbers, the richness of the ‘Garu Ammaawarune’ communication material led people to engage themselves passionately narrating their genuine bond with their mothers, commented Nilmini Ferdinando, Marketing Communications Manager, Litro Gas Lanka Limited.

This also paved the way for Litro Gas to become the first energy brand in Sri Lanka to achieve 1,000,000 video views on facebook with reach level exceeding a staggering 3.2 million Facebook users of Sri Lanka.

“Winning two awards at the first ever ZeroOne Awards is a noteworthy achievement for us as it pays tribute to Litro’s ability to propel growth through the use of modern tools and technologies without losing the inherent close to the heart of the people nature of the our business, concluded Chaminda Ediriwickrama. 

Nilmini Ferdinando, Marketing Communications Manager & Sanjeewa Warusawitharana, Manager - Digital Media
& Business Development at Litro Gas Lanka Limited receiving the award for Best Digital Integrated Campaign
award under the Manufacturing, Transportation, Storage and Energy Sector.


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