Sustainability is a key driver of corporate success and no longer a buzz word, says Eardley Perera, Chairman of the Panel of Evaluators of the Best Corporate Citizen Sustainability Award 2017.
“Sustainability is no longer a buzz word. Today, it is a key driver for corporate success, corporate and product brand equity. For many companies it is ‘a way of life’ than a nice thing to do and hundreds of companies new to it are adopting sustainability as a priority for their progress,” said Perera.
Perera, who also headed the evaluator’s panel of the ‘Best Corporate Citizen Sustainability Award 2016’, invites the local corporate sector to come forward and showcase their sustainability initiatives by competing in the Best Corporate Citizen Sustainability Award 2017, an annual event organized by the Ceylon Chamber of Commerce.
He says, the Chamber led competition acts as the primary catalyst in encouraging the local firms to go green. “The Sustainability Award of the Ceylon Chamber of Commerce indeed act as the prime catalyst for this change and annually many companies are entering the evaluation process for recognition, as these awards enable a differentiation for their organizations,” Perera said.
‘BCCS Award 2017’ is aimed at encouraging corporate institutions to adopt best sustainability practices and focuses on all stakeholders of the company ranging from employees, customers, community, shareholders, the Government and the environment.
The Chamber has lined up a galaxy of awards to recognize the best performers in corporate sustainability initiatives in Sri Lanka, ranging from the Best Corporate Citizen Sustainability Award 2017, top ten corporate firms, category awards, sector awards to top performers of key sectors of the economy and The Best Presented Application, among other awards.
The Ceylon Chamber of Commerce is now accepting applications for the ‘Best Corporate Citizen Sustainability Award 2017, and the application can be download from