Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Chulodhara wins top 50 professional, career women gold awards for best CEO Leadership

Chulodhara Samarasinghe, Deputy Chairperson and Managing Director of The Swadeshi Industrial Works, with her Gold award.

Sri Lanka’s foremost and pioneering herbal personal care product manufacturer Swadeshi Industrial Works PLC’s Deputy Chairperson and Managing Director Deshamanya Chulodhara Samarasinghe was bestowed with the Best CEO and Leadership Gold award at the ‘Top 50 Professional and Career Women Awards’, seventh edition.

The annual event is organised by Women in Management (WIM) partnering with International Finance Corporation (IFC), a member of World Bank Group.

The event recognizes and honours women in the national and regional economy taking into account their professional achievements, experience, creativity and value additions by them to respective institutions by overcoming challenges and seizing opportunities.

The award ceremony was held on July 14 at Taj Samudra hotel was graced by the Ministers, Diplomats and Professionals in Business and Government sectors.

The theme of the 2017 edition was; ‘Beyond parity – Developing tomorrow's Women Leaders'. The highly prestigious accolade conferred upon Chulodhara thus was a fitting tribute towards her potency in managing both her professional and personal lives with equal tranquility and right spirit.

Chulodhara has an illustrious professional career. Joining Maritime holdings, Hayleys PLC in 1995 as a Management Trainee had been her initial move towards consolidating herself as a professional in the corporate sector. By handling a large base of clients in the imports and exports sectors and logistics elevated herself to the post of an assistant manager within a short spell.

Since 1999 to date Chulodara has used her managerial prowess to add value to Swadeshi Industrial Works PLC as the Commercial Director, Managing Director and the Deputy Chairperson/Managing Director (present designation). She spearheads a team of over 400 employees.

“Today’s managers should be uber-proactive to add value to their companies. Stiff competition prevailing in the corporate sector pose us with both challenges and golden opportunities and we as managers should have the forecasting prowess to keep challenges at bay and seize opportunities to drive our companies towards greater heights”, “These have been challenging times but with a never give up attitude and support received from my team at Swadeshi and other important colleagues gives me greater self satisfaction and courage to move forward taking Swadeshi to greater heights in the future”. said Chulodhara.

“I intend to take Swadeshi brands to new heights with a focus on overseas markets and introduce more natural skin care herbal therapy products from Sri Lanka to the Swadeshi product portfolio.

I also have a passion towards educating future generations on the value and importance of life and compassion for all beings including animals. To have my own sanctuary for rescued animals is something that tops my wish list”, said a contented Chulodhara.


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