Monday, June 5, 2017

National Building Construction Association says....

The National Building Construction Association (NBRO) with regard to the new items published in Daily News Business in May 31 and June 1 on “Wellawatta building collapse: low quality steel, inferior concrete mixture main culprits” says that they have not made any official statement in this regard.

“I write to inform you that a team of NBRO officers consisting of structural, materials and geo technical engineers visited the site for inspection. During the visit or on any other occasion NBRO has not made any official statements regarding the quality of materials used for the building which collapsed at Wellawatte,” said Director General, NBRO, Asiri Karunawardana.

“Therefore, the statements appeared in the news articles in the Daily News Business are beyond the authority and control of the NBRO. Hence, NBRO is not responsible for the contents of the article “Wellawatta building collapse: low quality steel, inferior concrete mixture main culprits”

“I wish to inform you that, NBRO can be held responsible only for the statements made officially by the Director General or an officer authorized by him.”


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