Some of the economic migration decisions currently being taken in USA under President Donald Trump may have a negative impact for Brand USA, said Carnegie India Director Dr. Raja Mohan.
Speaking at the ‘Asian Views on America’s Role in Asia’ seminar in Colombo, organised by the American Chamber of Commerce in Sri Lanka and the Asia Foundation, he said that the travel ban, curtailing of global economic partnerships, and worker movement restrictions are some of the negative areas.“However people also must remember that USA in not a readymade market to sell their products and must look elsewhere as well.”
Programmes Director, International Relations, Asia Foundation, John Brandon said he felt that USA is falling behind in the Asian region while China is catching up very fast. China’s ‘One Belt One Road’ initiative will push USA even further back with other Asian nations.
US Ambassador to Sri Lanka and the Maldives, Atul Keshap said that Sri Lanka is still to reap full economic benefits from the assistance it has around the country. “If you go to Galle and observe the commercial vessels that operate, one can see what a lot of commercial activity from the shipping sector could be attracted to Sri Lanka.” The Indian Ocean too would be a major economic draw in the future and here again Sri Lanka would have opportunities, he said.
Centre for Policy Alternatives Executive Director Dr. Pakiyasothy Saravanamuttu was also a panelist at the seminar. (SS)