Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Ringing the Bell for gender equality

Women’s economic empowerment is a key driver of sustainable development and a key corporate sustainability issue.In celebration of International Women’s Day (8 March 2017) 40 Stock Exchanges around the world joined the UN Global Compact. Sustainable Stock Exchanges Initiative, UN Women, IFC, the World Federation of Exchanges and Women in ETFs, in raising awareness about the importance of gender equality to sustainable development and business by their ringing the opening or closing bell. The aim is to have ‘bells ringing’ across the globe to bring further attention to the importance of gender equality to economic growth and development, as well as highlight the role the private sector has played and opportunities for further leadership.Colombo Stock Exchange Chairman Vajira Kulatilaka (CSE), Sri Lanka Institute of Directors (SLID) Senior Deputy Chairman Preethi Jayawardena, World Bank Sri Lanka and Maldives Country Director Idah Z. Pswarayi-Riddihough, Australian High Commission Foreign Affairs and Trade Department Counsellor Carlotte Blundell at the bell ringing ceremony yesterday.


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