Thursday, March 16, 2017

HNB cancels EGM

The Hatton National Bank Extra-Ordinary General Meeting (EGM) scheduled for March 27, will not be held.

This was for the specific purpose of adopting of a resolution to appoint Dinesh Stephen Weerakkody as a Director of Hatton National Bank PLC. Hatton National Bank PLC (the “Bank”) on March 7, 2017, called for an Extra-Ordinary General Meeting (EGM) on 27th March 2017, pursuant to a requisition made under section 134 of the Companies Act No 7 of 2007, by the Distilleries Company of Sri Lanka PLC, Stassen Export Limited and Milford Export (Private) Limited (“the Requisitioning Shareholders”).

Subsequently, the Bank has received a letter dated March 15, 2017 from the requisitioning shareholders, withdrawing the above-mentioned resolution to appoint, Dinesh Stephen Weerakkody as a Director of the Bank. 


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