Sunday, October 25, 2020

Seminar on food quality and safety in food industry

It is paramount that humans receive proper nourishment through the foods. However, in the process of obtaining such food, we need to make sure that the food is nutritious, safe to consume, and retains a certain standard of quality.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO) over 200 diseases are caused by eating food-bearing pathological and/or chemical contaminants. Further, consumer food is a growing public health problem and the diseases have caused a huge impact on mortality as well as the economy.

With the intention of tackling such a widespread problem, a seminar on “Food Quality and Safety in Food Industry” will be conducted by the Institute of Chemistry Ceylon on Wednesday, 28th of October from 8.45 am to 12:30 pm through a webinar.

Quality and safety of foods has gained just as equal weight as taste and price when it comes to a food product. This seminar was designed to target all those who are associated with the food industry, from the stage of food production to its consumption, including all industrialists, exporters, researchers and executives of the food industry. The program also hopes to cover topics ranging from “Food Safety Guidelines, Rules and Regulations, Microbiological Safety in Food Industry, and Toxic Chemicals Present in Food and Water.”

We believe all those who are directly involved with the food industry take this as a great opportunity during this hard time. This seminar will also discuss the significance of food safety during COVID 19. You can get registered to the webinar via the website.
