Thursday, October 31, 2019

Top Western Province entrepreneurs win awards

The National Chamber of Commerce of Sri Lanka joined hands with the National Enterprise Development Authority (NEDA) for the fourth consecutive year to conduct the Entrepreneur Awards 2019-Western Province for the micro, Small, and large sectors.

The grand award ceremony of the Entrepreneur Awards 2019-Western Province was held on Wednesday at the Sri Lanka Foundation Auditorium, amid a large gathering of business organizations, entrepreneurs, representatives and etc. Altogether, 23 awards were presented to winners in the business sectors of industry, manufacturing, agriculture, livestock and fisheries and hospitality tourism and other services. This award scheme is designed to distinguish, reward and motivate Sri Lanka’s very own entrepreneurs to reach the mantle of achievement and encourage the business community in the Western Province to improve their standards of business practices and achieve a high level of entrepreneurship.

The National Chamber of Commerce and NEDA have been assisting the micro, small ,medium, and large sectors in the regions for a long time , and this gives special focus towards the upliftment of these sectors in the provinces to develop their business and conduct training programs for them, including for differently - abled entrepreneurs.

Speaking at the awards ceremony, National Chamber of Commerce of Sri Lanka President Asela De Livera said,” We’re happy to join the National Enterprise Development Authority to recognise and award micro small, medium large sector entrepreneurs in the Western province for the fourth year in succession.

He said further that NEDA helps towards the development small and medium enterprises in Sri Lanka with technical skills, infrastructure facilities and other required facilities.

“National Chamber of Commerce of Sri Lanka has also given special focus on the upliftment of SMEs in the provinces and has been assisting the micro SMEs in the region to develop their businesses. The chamber’s vision is to promote and develop the SME sector from the provincial and national level,” he said.

In addition, the Chamber also conducts training programs, workshops on skills development, human resources, e-commerce and IT for the Micro SMEs including women entrepreneurs in the provinces.
