A request made by HelpAge Eye Hospital regarding the urgent need of repairing its main PhacoStellaris Vision Enhancing machine which is used to perform cataract surgeries for less-privileged elderly citizens was immediately responded to by Arun Prasanth Foundation (APF), donating Rs. 950,000.
The defective `Foot Control Unit of the PhacoStellaris Vision Enhancing machine was a dire need to HelpAge Eye Hospital.
APF, President M. Manickavasagam, a resident from Jaffna and presently living in Colombo, donated at HelpAge Eye Hospital, Wellawatte.
M. Manickavasagam made this donation in memory of his late son Arun Prashan Manikkawasagam who passed away recently, that was imported from the USA.
HelpAge Eye Hospital commenced its free cataract surgery operations twelve years ago and it has so far conducted over 40,000 free cataract surgeries to underprivileged Senior Citizens island-wide.
The hospital is run by one of the country’s Social Service Organizations HelpAge Sri Lanka under the guidance of Chairman Tilak de Zoysa. Making a brief speech at the presentation, HelpAge Eye Hospital, Executive Director, Samantha Liyanawaduge thanked the donor Manikkawasagam for replacing the Foot Control Unit.
The PhacoStellaris Vision Enhancing machine was imported from the USA in 2018 for Rs. 10 million and it is mainly used to speed the recovery of vision and improve the vision of needy eye patients.
Manikkawasagam said he was happy to make the donation considering the great service rendered by HelpAge Sri Lanka to the needy elders in this country.