Monday, January 4, 2021

Institute of Chemistry Ceylon successfully hosts Virtual Open Day

A virtual open day to introduce the daring young scientists into the programs offered by the Institute of Chemistry Ceylon, via the educational arm of the Institute, College of Chemical Sciences (CCS), and to take their next step in their lives, was recently in Colombo as a virtual event.

During the event, Prof. Sagarika Ekanayake, the President of the Institute of Chemistry Ceylon introduced the Institute of Chemistry and its historical path in advancements, followed by Prof. Namal Priyantha on the introduction to the GIC program. Dr Sameera Ranmal Gunatilake then briefed on the importance of learning Chemistry, amongst other scientific studies. Pasindu Samarawickrama and Pujani Usliyanage, two current students of the CCS shared their experience and the details on student life. Dr A A P Keerthi, the treasurer of the Institute council, discussed the payment structure to the two programs Graduateship in Chemistry and BSc Hons in Chemical Science. Randhika De Silva, the Senior Brand Manager at Unilever Sri Lanka and Demethri Bernan Perera, the Key Account Manager of Modern trade, also at Unilever Sri Lanka, two of the past students of the College then took the audience down their memory lane of the period of their study at CCS, followed by Dilhan Manawadu and Kanchana Chandrakanthan, another two of the alumni of the College of Chemical Sciences, and currently studying for their doctoral degrees at the USA. The final event of the program was a panel discussion, where the president of the Institute, dean of the college, the department heads, treasurer of the Institute council and internal academics participated to discuss on the doubts of the prospective students and their parents.

The Bachelor of Science Honors (BSc Hons) degree in Chemical Science is a four-year full-time program designed as per the Sri Lanka Quality Framework (SLQF) Level 6, to provide a comprehensive education in Chemistry to all our undergraduates. The main objectives of this degree program are to bring economic benefits and sustainable development to the country through manufacturing and value addition and to contribute to global research in chemical science. In addition to the BSc Hons, the Institute of Chemistry Ceylon will continue to offer the Graduateship program in Chemistry, a professional qualification of four years, that has been offered by the Institute for nearly 50 years. The enrollment for 2021 intake is now open for both programs. The Institute of Chemistry Ceylon, incorporated in 1972, is a government-approved charity and a professional body for the general advancement of Chemical Sciences and the practice of Chemistry in Sri Lanka.


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