The Postgraduate School of the Asia Pacific Institute of Information Technology (APIIT) will feature Simon Anholt on Friday 15th January at 6.30 PM at the Virtual Conclave themed ‘Meeting the Expert at APIIT Forum’ hosted by Dr Rohantha Athukorala. The theme of the event is ‘Good Country Index and its relevance to Sri Lanka’. Anholt conceptualized the Good Country Index.
In addition to his best-known research project, the Good Country Index, he has also produced two major global surveys tracking public perceptions of countries and cities, the Anholt-Ipsos Nation Brands Index and City Brands Index, in partnership with the research group Ipsos-Mori.
The Good Country Index which measures what each country on earth contributes to the common good of humanity, and what it takes away, relative to its size.
The Netherlands came top of the Good Country Index third edition.
“Given that the overall 2021 global growth is projected at 5.4 percent with Sri Lanka targeting +5% GDP growth, it will be interesting to understand the implications of the Good Country Index to Sri Lanka which is why APIIT is hosting this session, said Athukorala.
“All are welcome but prior registration is required. This is an event that is free of charge as per the philosophy of APIIT whose ethos is ‘Inspire a love for learning’,” says Chairman of APIIT, Bandula Egodage.
“APIIT’s MBA Programme is the best industry linked programme in the country with contemporary theories being discussed with an outstanding faculty”, he added.