Tuesday, May 14, 2019

DFCC maintains profitability under volatile market conditions

* Total Assets grew by Rs. 15,652 m to Rs. 390,560 m

* Recorded Tier 1 and total capital adequacy ratios of  10.34% and 15.45% respectively

* Core Business recorded PAT increase of 9%.

Core business of DFCC Bank posted a profit before tax of Rs. 1,585 million and profit after tax PAT) of Rs. 1,124 million for the quarter ended 31 March 2019 compared to profit before tax of Rs. 1,243 million and profit after tax of Rs. 1,034 million in the comparative period. After accounting for the one-off fair value loss on Commercial Bank of Ceylon PLC shares transferred to the trading portfolio, the Bank reported a profit before tax of Rs. 1,001 million and profit after tax of Rs. 541 million in comparison to profit before tax of Rs. 1,277 million and a profit after tax of Rs. 1,068 million in the comparative period.

Under the leadership of Chairman DFCC Bank Royle Jansz, the Bank recorded total operating income from core business amounting to Rs. 3,981 million for the quarter ended 31 March 2019 compared to Rs. 3,713 in the comparative period in 2018 which is an increase of 7%. After accounting for the impact of high fair value loss in the investment of Commercial Bank of Ceylon PLC, the operating income reflects a decline of 14%. The interest margin has remained at 3.5% as reported for the year ended 31 December 2018. Further, a growth of 8% was recorded in fees and commission income to Rs. 467 million in Q1 2019 from Rs. 434 million in Q1 2018. This is the outcome of a focus on non-funded business.

DFCC Bank sustained its aggressive branch expansion, launching seven new branches which include the Bank’s first Super Grade Branch, at Lake House premises in the period April 2018 to March 2019. Operating expenses increased from Rs. 1,579 million to Rs. 1,750 million (11%) compared to the corresponding period in the previous year.

The Bank’s Super Grade Branch at Lake House premises has taken customer convenience a step further by offering a totally new experience with DFCC MySpace, a Self-Banking area where customers can conduct all their transactions with ease and convenience in a fast and secure manner 24/7, 365 days of the year. The opening of this branch has helped to attract many new customers.

In the CEO’s statement, CEO DFCC Bank, Lakshman Silva said, “Despite difficult conditions, DFCC Group maintained its momentum in the first quarter when compared to the previous year whilst continuing its dynamic progress in digital channels. The Bank continued to concentrate on adding value to shareholders, customers and other stakeholders through the introduction of innovative products and by providing an exceptional and personalised customer service.”

Impairment provision during the year decreased to Rs. 11 million for Q1 2019 from Rs. 542 million in the comparable period. The Bank has identified Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) as a separate segment in adopting the Circular No 6 of 2019 issued by Central Bank of Sri Lanka in the financial statements for the period ended 31 March 2019.

DFCC’s NPL ratio moved up to 3.91% as at 31 March 2019 from 3.28% in December 2018. This reflected an industry-wide trend, which was consequent to the challenging business environment that prevailed during the period. The ratio has however been managed at a level below the industry average of 4.2% as at March 2019.

Investments in equity securities and treasury bills and bonds are classified as financial assets whose variations in fair value are recorded through other Comprehensive Income. Accordingly, fair value losses of Rs. 1,407 million and net fair value gain of Rs. 603 million were recorded on account of equity securities and fixed income securities respectively. The steep drop of 13.7% in the share price of Commercial Bank of Ceylon PLC during the quarter mainly contributed to the reported loss of equity securities, while prices of treasury bills and bonds were favourably impacted by decline in interest rates of government securities.

The Debenture Issue was successfully concluded in March 2019 with the issue being oversubscribed on the opening day and the Bank being able to raise a total of Rs. 10 billion from the issue.

DFCC Bank has always been a prudent lender. Therefore, in order to support future growth and to maintain its premier development banking focus, the Bank has consistently maintained a capital ratio above the Basel III minimum capital requirements. As at 31 March 2019, the Group’s Tier 1 capital adequacy ratio stood at 10.51% while the total capital adequacy ratio was 15.62%. On a solo basis, as at 31 March 2019, DFCC recorded Tier 1 and total capital adequacy ratios of 10.34% and 15.45% respectively. These ratios are well above the minimum regulatory requirements of 8.5% and 12.5% effective 2019.

Rights Issue

The shareholder approval was received to issue new ordinary shares by way of a Rights Issue at a consideration of Rs. 72/- per each ordinary share at the Extra Ordinary General Meeting held on 28 March 2019. The ordinary shares under the proposed Rights Issue was to be issued in the proportion of two (2) Ordinary Shares for every five (5) shares held by the holders of the issued ordinary shares of the Bank. Upon the completion of the Right Issue, 39,091,068 new shares were allotted to the subscribers to the issue, which will greatly contribute to the increase in DFCC’s Tier 1 capital.



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