Sunday, March 10, 2019

SLIC Suba Pathum Colombo, Eastern region award ceremony concludes

Vignettes of the event.

Sri Lanka Insurance Life (SLIC) ‘Suba Pathum’, a scholarship scheme provider by the nation’s insurer dedicated to inspire and recognize the future leaders of Sri Lanka completed the Colombo Region and the Eastern Region award ceremonies recently.

Fifteen ceremonies at 15 regions on Suba Pathum scholarship scheme award ceremony series were held for the year 2016/2017.

The Colombo Region award ceremony was held on February 27, at Bishop’s College Colombo and Eastern Region award ceremony was held on March 3, at the Urban Council of Trincomalee. SLIC Suba Pathum Scholarship scheme presents 300 scholarships in total per annum, for those who achieve the top rankings at district level, for Grade five Scholarship and O/L examination, National Level for A/L examination in Bio, Mathematics, Commerce and Arts streams.

This scheme is open to all the children of Sri Lanka irrespective of whether or not he/she is a child of a SLIC Life Policyholder.

However, there will be extended benefits if the scholarship recipients parents or guardian holds a SLIC Life Policy.


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