Tuesday, March 5, 2019

JOBPAL.lk wins two Gold awards

Chamara Sanjaya and Anjana Ratnayake, Head / Founder Jobpal.lk.

EFutureTech Systems (Pvt) Ltd, the innovative Tech solutions provider, shined with two gold awards at SLT Zero One awards 2018 organized by Sri Lanka Telecom to recognize institutions, individuals and brands for achievements by leveraging Digital technologies.

Jobpal.lk one of EFutureTech Systems’ flagship products bagged two gold awards, namely “Best Web Site or Micro Site” in “Professional Services” category and the “Best Web Site or Micro Site” in “Information Services” category.

Launched in June 2017, Jobpal.lk provides a web and a mobile portal where those who seek jobs (Candidates) and those who seek personnel (Employers) could connect with each other easily. Job advertisements are displayed free of charge for employers and in addition to those who directly respond to such advertisements; the Jobpal.lk staff also intervenes to find suitable candidates for those vacancies. Anyone can register with Jobpal.lk free of charge and browse and apply for job vacancies.

As a featured service, information regarding suitable job vacancies can be obtained via USSD and SMS by registering with Jobpal’s Premium service for a fee of Rs. three a day (plus tax). There are no additional or hidden charges in an event of obtaining a job. “Just as much, unemployment troubles the jobless; easy way to find a suitable person for a vacancy is a problem to employers. And the effectiveness of the solution we presented to address this problem is evident in the awards we received,” Anjana Ratnayake, Head / Founder Jobpal.lk said. 
