Wednesday, November 7, 2018

next Sourcing ‘Suppliers’ Seminar 2018’ felicitates top suppliers

next Sourcing officials with top suppliers

next Sourcing, a fully-owned subsidiary of the retail clothing and accessory giant next Plc - UK, held the “Suppliers’ Seminar 2018”, the latest edition of its annual ceremony that focuses on recognizing and rewarding the company’s suppliers for their achievements in the previous year.

The event was held at the Park Street Mews Colombo amidst a large gathering that included the management and team members of next Sourcing together with representatives from the supplier organizations. During the event, awards of recognition were presented to the top three suppliers for their exceptional performances in 2017 despite the numerous difficulties faced in the global and local economic environment. The Gold Award was won by Crystal Martin Garments (Pvt) Limited, the Silver Award by next Manufacturing (Pvt) Limited and the Bronze Award by Sampath Associates International (Pvt) Limited.

next Sourcing also praised the significant contributions of the entire supplier base for continuing to achieve sales targets while ensuring that high production quality and timely delivery standards were met. Since inception, next Sourcing has built long-standing relationships with the entire supplier base with some partnerships approaching 20 years.

The company works closely with all suppliers to ensure that they continuously improve their manufacturing process to meet the stringent requirements of next Plc - UK when sourcing the finest, most exclusive fabrics and garments from Sri Lanka. The event also included a performance overview of ‘next’ sales during the last quarter, with an updated indication on the current performance in line with the Key Performance Indicators set by next Plc - UK.

next Sourcing is engaged in the design, sourcing, buying, merchandising and quality control of next Plc products. The company also coordinates with a global network of offices to negotiate market prices, manages the supply chain, and ensures on-time delivery on behalf of next Plc. The bi-annual factory evaluations allow the next Sourcing management to make the selections for the top three factories out of a relatively large factory base present in Sri Lanka.

Wilhelm Elias, Associate Director of next Sourcing said, “The retail clothing industry has been through a very tough 18-24 months. A decline in discretionary spending as a result of general inflation rising faster than average earnings and the shift in spending habits in the UK and Europe from less stuff to more experiences has taken a toll on many retailers resulting in store closures and jobs to be culled. Whilst Retail is a struggle we will continue to invest by way of shutting down smaller non-performing stores and opening bigger lifestyle stores.”

Hugh McConnell, Technical Director of next Sourcing said, “Through their commitment to achieving a high standard of quality on a consistent basis across all products Sri Lanka manufacturers have an established reputation for reliability on quality standards and product performance with Next UK. While the competition from other countries to Next UK is improving every year, Sri Lanka is still the top performer in this category which is meritorious when the product has become more varied with increased technical fabrics and embellishments.”

Fiaz Ozeer, Senior Merchandise Manager of next Sourcing said, “We witnessed a positive growth in the 4th quarter and forecast a potential growth of 6.2% in the year ahead. It is important that Sri Lanka capitalizes on skilled labour and provides an excellent service to all customers in order to remain competitive in the global market.”

next Sourcing offices are located worldwide, including in Leicester, London, Turkey, Egypt, Bangladesh, Pakistan, North India, South India, Thailand, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, Cambodia, Vietnam, Hong Kong and Shanghai.


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