Sri Lanka Prosperity Index (SLPI), increased to 0.771 in 2017 from 0.661 recorded in 2016, mainly due to improvements in ‘Economy and Business Climate’ and ‘Socio-Economic Infrastructure’ sub-indices.
Economy and Business Climate sub-index has improved during 2017, due to increase in per capita Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and enhancements of the aspects associated with employment.
With regard to the sub index of Socio-Economic Infrastructure, improvements to the road network with the extensions to the expressways, construction of bridges and flyover projects, availability of electricity facilities and improvements in pipe borne water quality were the key drivers.
Even though the ‘Well-being of the People’ sub index has declined during 2017 mainly due to the reduced levels of purity of environment and air quality, improvements were recorded in the aspects of availability of healthcare facilities, availability and quality of education, wealth of people and their engagement in entertainment activities.
Provincial Prosperity Indices, compiled to measure the level of prosperity across provinces, increased in North Western, Sabaragamuwa, Southern and Western provinces.Meanwhile, enhancements in rankings could be observed in North Western and Sabaragamuwa provinces.