Thursday, September 13, 2018

Pathfinder Foundation Inks MoC with Delhi Policy Group

Ambassador Hemanth K. Singh, Director General of Delhi Policy Group accompanied by Ambassador Biren Nanda, Senior Fellow, paid a visit to The Pathfinder Foundation head office located at ‘Riverpoint’, Peliyagoda in August this year

The Pathfinder Foundation (PF) signed a Memorandum of Collaboration (MoC) with the Delhi Policy Group on September 12, providing opportunities for joint collaboration between the PF and the New Delhi based think-tank.

Representatives of the two think-tanks had a fruitful discussion during the visit of DPG Director General Ambassador, Hemanth K. Singh to Sri Lanka in early August.

During that meeting a decision was taken for collaboration between the two sides, for which purpose the two think-tanks agreed to enter in to a Memorandum of Collaboration (MoC).

The MoC provides for wide ranging collaborative activities including academic and research; exchange of visits, information and material; holding of joint seminars; publication of joint articles etc.

Foun71ded in 1994, the Delhi Policy Group is among India’s oldest independent think tanks with its primary focus on international and strategic issues of critical national interest. Over the past decades, the Delhi Policy Group has established itself in both domestic and international circles, particularly in the area of national security.

In addition to linkages established by the Pathfinder Foundation with think-tanks in a number of countries, its ‘Centre for India-Sri Lanka Initiatives’ is responsible for interaction with a number of Indian think-tanks, which include Vivekananda International Foundation (VIF), United Service Institution (USI), Institute for Defence Studies and Analysis (IDSA), National Maritime Foundation (NMF), Kalinga International Foundation (KIF) and Carnegie India (CI).

The MoC was signed by Bernard Goonetilleke, Chairman, Pathfinder Foundation and Siddharth Shriram, Chairman and Managing Trustee of the Delhi Policy Group.


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