Tuesday, February 6, 2018

SLCSMI industrial excellence awards on Friday

The Sri Lanka Chamber of Small and Medium Industries (SLCSMI) will host the “Industrial Excellence Awards 2017” on Friday at Ramada Hotel, Colombo.

Governor of the Central Bank Dr. Indrajit Coomaraswamy will be the chief guest.

The main aim of the event is to fete SME’s (micro, small and medium enterprises) who have distinguished themselves in the pursuit of excellence for their achievements and contributions made towards Sri Lanka’s economic prosperity.

This event is organized for the 11th consecutive time in collaboration with the Industrial Development Board, with Bank of Ceylon as the principal sponsor.

Mohideen Cader, President of the Sri Lanka Chamber of Small and Medium Industries (SLCSMI) said that these awards exemplify how businesses can contribute to the sustainable development of the country.

“We have had an overwhelming response from entrepreneurs across the country especially from the rural provinces and our gratitude goes to the sponsoring organizations for their cooperation and support,” he added.


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