Pan Asia Bank recently awarded the branch staff, who performed exceptionally on credit card and personal loan sales in year 2017.
The awards for top performers were handed over at the recently held branch managers’ conference by Director/ CEO, Nimal Tillekeratne who was the chief guest at the conference.
The criteria for these awards were set in mid 2017 via an inter-branch sales competition allowing the branch teams to plan ahead and execute their strategies to achieve set year end targets.
Mawanella branch bagged the top award for Credit Card sales with an achievement of 420% of their target while Maharagama and Pilimathalawa branches won the second and third place respectively with an achievement of 190% & 124% of the target.
The winner of the Personal Loan category was Kundasale branch with an achievement of 244% while Wattala and Battaramulla won second and third place respectively with an achievement of 230% and 219% respectively.
Meanwhile the Central region emerged the best region for Credit Card sales and the Bazaar region for the best region for Personal Loan sales.
Nimal Tillekeratne addressing the audience at this event acknowledged and appreciated the impressive contribution made by the branch staff members, towards the bank's robust performance in growing Credit Cards & Personal Loan portfolios.