Suncity Property Developers, a Colombo-based boutique real estate developer, announced recently, that its 13th residential development project-Suncity Tower Moratuwa, designed by Bandusena Associates-had been the first apartment complex to be registered under the national land title registration programme, Bim Saviya.
The announcement reflects a shift from deed to title registrations,allowing landowners to survey, demarcate and ensure land ownership using a centralised digital land information system managed by the Ministry of Lands and Ministry of Public Administration. For a landowner with a deed that is duly lodged in the registry, the expectation is that the law will protect his or her ownership and right to property. But the misuse and abuse of signatures in the form of forgery has become pervasive across Divisional Secretariats island-wide, with the reported number of complaints reaching new highs in recent years.
“A robust land registry and document system are vital tools for landowners to protect themselves against real estate fraud,” said Pinisiri Fernando, Chairman of Suncity Developers. “As a company we have established many firsts in the real estate industry, the greatest achievement being that of pioneering luxury apartments and condominiums in Sri Lanka. I'm grateful to the Hon. Minister of Lands,Hon. Minister of Public Administration, Surveyor General, Registrar General, and to the Condominium Authority for surveying and registering Suncity Tower Moratuwa through Bim Saviya.”
Located at Watson Peiris Mawatha Moratuwa (approximately 100 meters from Galle Road), Suncity Tower Moratuwa consists of 20 luxury apartments, each consisting of three bedrooms with spacious sitting, dining, pantry areas adjoined to a separate servants' quarters. Apartment configurations range from 1,300 square feet to 1,426 square feet while common facilities include: 24-hour security, rooftop garden, swimming pool and gymnasium.
Suncity Property has over 21 years of successful business operations in various fields, including testing, inspection, certification, and construction services for the real estate sector. Founded in 1997, the property developer and construction company has an established presence across Sri Lanka.
Today, Suncity is recognised for striving to consolidate its presence in the market.
Its latest project, Prestige Tower Colombo 3, is expected to be completed by the end of March, 2018.