Thursday, January 4, 2018

Renuka Capital acquires shares of ONAL

Renuka Capital PLC, acquired by way of a crossing transaction on the Colombo Stock Exchange, 2,143,035 ordinary shares of On’ally Holdings PLC (“ONAL”) at a price of Rs. 48 per share representing 12.245% of the voting rights in ONAL.

Renuka Capital PLC therefore now owns a total of 6,175,790 shares in ONAL representing 35.29% of the voting rights of ONAL.

Pursuant thereto, a mandatory offer at a price of Rs. 48 per share will be made by Renuka Capital to the remaining shareholders of ONAL in terms of Rule 31(1) (a) of the Company Takeovers and Mergers Code 1995 as amended in 2003, to acquire the ordinary shares held by such shareholders in ONAL.

Accordingly, in compliance with the provisions of the Code, Renuka Capital will make a detailed announcement on the mandatory offer in terms of Rule 8(1) read together with Rule 9 of the Code shortly. (IH)


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