next Sourcing, a fully-owned subsidiary of the retail clothing and accessory giant next Plc - UK, recognized and rewarded its supplier base at the “Suppliers’ Seminar 2017” held at the Park Street Mews Colombo recently.
The company presented awards to the top three suppliers for their outstanding performance despite the numerous challenges during the latest fiscal year. The Gold Award was won by next Manufacturing (Pvt) Limited for the fourth consecutive year, the Silver Award won by Nobleswear (Pvt) Limited and the Bronze Award won by Miami Exports (Pvt) Ltd.
The long-standing relationships built by next Sourcing with the entire supplier base, with some partnerships over 20 years, underscored the level of trust the company hasbuilt over the years with the supplier base when sourcing the finest, most exclusive fabrics and garments from Sri Lanka.
next Sourcing is engaged in design, sourcing, buying, merchandising and quality control of next Plc product. The company also coordinates with a global network of offices to negotiate market prices, manages the supply chain, and ensures on-time delivery on behalf of next Plc.
The bi-annual factory evaluations allow the next Sourcing management to make the selections of the top three factories out of a relatively large factory base of 42 factories.
Wilhelm Elias – Associate Director of next Sourcing expressing his views stated, “The past 12-18 months have been tough on the industry as a whole, next own and operate three factories in Sri Lanka and we are aware of how tough it has been on all of our suppliers and we appreciate the support extended to us during the most difficult of times. The Sri Lankan office will plan double digit growth in 2018 in light of GSP+”.
Hugh McConnell - Technical Director of next Sourcing addressing the gathering stated, “Through complicated wash and embellished product, Sri Lankan manufacturers are facing new challenges every season but have still managed to consistently ship stock that meets the customer’s standards and retained the ‘Best Region for Quality’ category in 2016 & 2017 year-to-date.”
Fiaz Ozeer - Senior Merchandise Manager of next Sourcing stated, “With Sri Lanka gaining GSP+, we are seeing a significant sales growth from the 3rd quarter of our current financial year.”
next Sourcing Sri Lanka produces next-branded children’s and women’s garments, as well as women’s lingerie and menswear. Over twenty years’ experience givesthe company an edge over the global competition and an opportunity to create greater value for their stakeholders