A workshop on the installation of a modern Gem and Jewellery laboratory organized by the Beruwala Gem and Jewellery Traders Association was held at the Beruwala Cinnamon Bay Hotel on Saturday January 13.
Delegates from ICA International Gem and Jewellery Research Institute in Bangkok Thailand led by ICA founder Chenng Hatta, ICA Director Sandy Hatta and Dr Dietmar Schwarz ICA who were special invitees on the occasion with ICA Sri Lanka Branch Director Dr Gamini Soysa during the workshop. There is a very big demand for Sri Lanka Gems and Jewellery in the International market but the main drawback is the lack of proper laboratory facilities equipped with latest technology locally to ensure proper standards for our export product, said Chairman China Fort Gem and Jewellery Association President Ismath Sally.
He also appreciated the support and assistance recurred from the ICA International Organisation to set up quality laboratory and Research facilities in our country.
(Picture by B. M. Mukthar)