Central Finance Company PLC (the “Company”) in terms of Rule 8 of the Listing Rules of the Colombo Stock Exchange, announced that it purchased 2 million two hundred and ninety nine thousand (2,299,000) shares in Nations Trust Bank PLC (“NTB”) from CF Growth Fund Limited (“CF Growth Fund”) by way of a crossing on December 8, 2017. Such shares were purchased at a consideration of Rs. 80 per share.
Pursuant to the purchase of the Rs. 2.299 million shares, the total number of shares held by the company in NTB increased from Rs. 20,715,400 million to Rs. 23,014,400 and the shareholding of the Company in NTB increased from 8.98% to 9.98%.
IT was also announced that CF Insurance Brokers (Private) Limited, which is another fully owned subsidiary of the Central Finance group of companies (“CF Insurance Brokers”) purchased one million shares in NTB held by CF Growth Fund by way of a crossing on December 8 at a consideration of Rs.80.00 per share. Pursuant to this purchase, the total number of shares held by CF Insurance Brokers in NTH increased to Rs. Eleven Million Five Hundred Ninety Two Thousand Eight Hundred and Fifty Seven (11,592, 57) and the shareholding of CF Insurance Brokers in NTB increased from Four Decimal Five Nine percent (4.59 %)] to Five Decimal Zero Three percent ( 5.03 %).
Prior to the abovementioned transactions, the Company, together with CF Growth Fund and CF Insurance Brokers, held twenty percent (20%) of the shares in NIB and consequent to the transactions, the aggregate shareholding of the Company, CF Growth Fund and CF Insurance Brokers in NTB remains unchanged.