Wednesday, July 12, 2017

SLIM Marketing Roks 2017 grand finale on July13

Organized by Sri Lanka Institute of Marketing (SLIM), Marketing Roks, an annual event, has had successfully run over the last eight consecutive years as the only inter school innovative competition for marketing will be held on July13.

This is a competition for aspiring marketers from the school level. SLIM is yet again conducting this competition as a responsible marketing body who has always contributed immensely to uplift the marketing fraternity.

The program in 2017 will cater to a gamut of schools in every district in the island. This vibrant project is approved by the Education Ministry of Sri Lanka as a program to uplift the school children and produce future leaders.This national level CSR project directly caters to face the future challenges in marketing and entrepreneurship. Via this unique and innovative program,SLIM is on a quest to groom students to enter the challenging business world confidently.

This event stimulates and facilitates schoolchildren to unleash their hidden potential in marketing which will enable them to be professionals in any selected field in the future and also reward the winning schools.

The program comes with an attractive mechanism of a game show to open up mindsets of students on real business scenarios. It stimulates and enhances their creativity and strategic thinking prowess, presentation skills and leadership qualities with a view to converting them into future marketers and entrepreneurs.

The event comprises a briefing session, string of career guidance seminars, Gaming session, Presentation session followed by the final event and Award ceremony.

Presentation session of the 2017 program was held on the 1st week of June at Colombo, Kandy and Matararegions while the Grand Finale will be held at BMICH on July 13, 2017.

A total of 10 career guidance seminars(three each in central and Southern regions and four in Colombo region) will be held, with a participation of over 10,000 students. Participants are in the age category of 15 to 18, from over 50 schools, government, semi governments, International and private schools. Top three winning schools will be entitled to cash prizes of Rupees 100,000, 75,000 and

50,000 respectively. Other prizes include;first and second Runners up, Best Logo, Best School - Southern, Central and Western regions, Best presentation and Best presenter.

SLIM President Elangovan Karthik said SLIM promotes marketing excellence and elevates the status of marketing by taking into account diverse perspectives. Our vision envisages, serving the nation via the subject of marketing, where it should progress beyond business to CSR level.

Project Chair of MARKETING ROKS 2017 Enoch Pererasaid, “the program was primarily conceptualized to identify potential marketers at school level and endow them with an in-depth orientation on Marketing”.

Enoch added, “The significance in this year's event is that SLIM is going to reach the entire island with the support of the Education Ministry. With the energetic and professionals in the committee I am confident Marketing Roks 2017 will set a high standard. We call upon all principals and master in charge of Commerce stream to take up this challenge and encourage their schools to participate in this event”.

SLIM CEO/ Executive Director Sanath Senanayake said, Marketing Roks 2017 is the foremost CSR program of this nature in the country which provides an opportunity for schoolchildren to realize their potential in creativity, marketing and entrepreneurship. He said SLIM is dedicated to introducing quality education programs for the benefit of future marketers and marketing practitioners.

Sanath added that “Stimulating innate talents of school children in marketing will enable them to be professionals in any selected field once they leave school. It will build their personalities and make them young entrepreneurs and professionals. We invite all schools in the island to take part at the 2017 MARKETING ROKS program and competition.

The main sponsor of SLIM Marketing Roks 2017 2017 is Ruhunu Foods (Pvt) Ltd. The official stationary partner is Atlas AxilliaInnov8 brand. Event sponsors are Milo, Elephant House, Clogard, AU Entertainment and Rollo. The official Press Partner is Lake House while the Service providers are Chokolaate and Arugam-bay.

The project committee of the Marketing Roks 2017 is headed by Enoch Perera, Project Chairperson who is a Senior Manager, Marketingat Pirimal Glass Ceylon PLC followed by M. Ramzan Raskeen, Executive Business Development International Logistic - APL Logistics Lanka Freight Forwarding, Thilina Dayarathne Creative Director at Vistar EMS, Sameeha Saleem, Marketing Executive - Nexus Mobile at Jaykay Marketing Services(Retail sector of John Keells Holdings) , Tyronne Ockerersz, Business Unit Head at Hayleys Industrial Solution Pvt Ltd and Hasfan Jailan, Managing Director at Beauty Needz Pvt lktd. 


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