Monday, July 3, 2017

SL Economic Summit 2017 to discuss ‘walking the talk’ to greener growth path

Dr. Rae Kwon Chung

The importance of Sri Lankan businesses aligning its growth plans with greener practices to help develop a ‘sustainable era’, will be discussed intensely at the upcoming Sri Lanka Economic Summit 2017.

The topic will be discussed at a thematic session titled, ‘Realizing a Greener Growth Path - Walking the Talk’, with the participation of thought leaders and industry practitioners.

The session will kick off with a presentation by Dr. Rae Kwon Chung, Former Principal Advisor on Climate Change, Executive Office of the Secretary General of the United Nations, followed by presentations by Ralph Van Doorn, Senior Country Economist for Sri Lanka and the Maldives of the World Bank and Sunil Sethi, Managing Director, Fonterra Brands Lanka.

A panel dicussion will folow, which will include Dr. Prasanthi Gunawardana, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Forestry and Environmental Science of the University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Avanthi Jayathilaka, Director of Global Management Consultants and Vidura Ralapanawa, General Manager, Environmental Sustainability of MAS Intimates. The session would be moderated by Uchita De Zoysa, an expert on sustainability.

The session will discuss the cost Sri Lanka will have to pay if a sustainable development path is not adopted, why Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) matter for businesses, what are the entry points to engage on SDGs at a country level, what kind of partnerships the private sector can enter into in driving the SDG agenda and the type of an institutional mechanism that should be put in place for the private sector to engage in the SDG agenda at a national level.

The two day Sri Lanka Economic Summit organized by the Ceylon Chamber of Commerce will take place on July 25 and 26 at the Cinnamon Grand Hotel, Colombo, under the title of ‘Execute - Transform - Realize’.


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