Thursday, July 13, 2017

Royal College EDEX empowers career guidance counselors in international and private schools

Chairman Edex Mahinda Galagedara at the seminar


The importance of playing the role of a career counsellor, guiding students on 'learning to learn’ and how to avoid mistakes in counseling was highlighted at a special career guidance seminar conducted by Royal College EDEX Council recently.

A large number of representatives from country's leading international and private schools attended the seminar, conducted under the theme 'Career Guidance for Youth'.

The seminar was held at Royal College MAS Arena Auditorium under the patronage of EDEX Chairman Mahinda Galagedara. The interactive sessions were conducted by National Career Guidance Association (NCGA) President Ajith Jayawardena and his team.

EDEX Chairman Galagedara welcomed the representatives who were present at this special initiative and highly valued the conducting of such a seminar which immensely benefit career counselors on how to avoid mistakes when engaged in counseling.

He asked the participants of international and private schools to share the insights of the seminar for the benefit of their students and work with EDEX to empower the youth population in Sri Lanka.

He said he would be happy that the programme will enrich the participants of international and private schools to continue the excellent work that have already been started in their respective schools as counselors and friends to their students.

While conducting the interactive sessions NCGA President Jayawardena said sharing expertise and information encouraged participants on ‘a journey of mutual discovery and learning'.

Participants sought advice on empowerment, respect and equity together with the trends, attitudes and best practices relating to career guidance at the seminar.

A lecturer from Royal Institute, Chanka Dias, highlighted that motivational sessions were interesting and said he derived a new psychological perspective in terms of careers from doing the careers key.

He said he was happy as he scored well in his chosen career path of IT.

He further said the careers key by Howard K. Jones is administered by the counsellors as a valuable tool to ascertain the intrinsic skills and talents of respondents.

Representatives from the National Career Guidance Association, EDEX PR and International Schools Promotions and Career Services Committees were also present.

Lalinda Ariyaratne thanked the participants and said they would be catalyst in creating a difference in the lives of students.
