Monday, July 10, 2017

Over 1.1 mn engage in industry sector

The Economic Census 2013/14 conducted by the department was the base for the new frame of industries which was used for the ASI 2015.

According to the findings of the survey 1,122,711 persons were found to be engaged in the industry sector in the country. The highest number (1,063,086) of persons was engaged in the manufacturing sector industries.

Of this 27,311 persons, were involved in industries of Mining and Quarrying sub sector. Number of persons engaged in industries related to electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply were reported as 20,180 and the number of persons engaged in water supply, sewerage, waste management and remediation activities are reported as 12,134. This was the 29th ASI conducted in Sri Lanka and the reference year for this survey was considered as 2014.

This report provides the findings of the data analysis based on the data collected from the industrial establishments. (Industries with five or more persons engaged). The findings revealed that there are 20,326 industrial establishments and most of them belong to the manufacturing sub sector (16,835) followed by 3,162 industrial establishments in the mining and quarrying sub sector, 133 industrial establishments in the electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply sub sector.
